Journeys In Jazz
Music for old people, pretentious music for the middle classes, complex music for young intellectuals or something we can all appreciate & enjoy? With the contribution of musicians in and around her community Fliss delves into the jazz genre to discuss why it continues to thrive amongst all generations.
Journeys In Jazz
Georgina Jackson
Fliss Gorst
Season 2
Episode 1
What it felt like to be stuck on a cruise ship unable to dock whilst the world shut down in 2020 and what it was like to wear shell suits in Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra in the 90s!
This episode features Georgina Jackson, who chats to Fliss about the responsibility of leading your own band, the importance of youth music schemes, dealing with male presumptions of female musicians and many other trials and tribulations of being a professional trumpet player & vocalist.
Contains one swear word at 13 minutes 25 seconds.
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Tickets for Georgina Live at The 606 (when available) from-